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rejectedExecution(Runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in class com.github.javinator9889.threading.pools.rejectedhandlers.DefaultRejectedExecutionHandler
Method that may be invoked by a ThreadPoolExecutor when execute cannot accept a task.
rejectedExecution(Runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in class com.github.javinator9889.threading.pools.rejectedhandlers.ImmediatelyRunOnRejectedExecutionHandler
Method that may be invoked by a ThreadPoolExecutor when execute cannot accept a task.
rejectedExecution(Runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in class com.github.javinator9889.threading.pools.rejectedhandlers.NoRejectedExecutionHandler
Method that may be invoked by a ThreadPoolExecutor when execute cannot accept a task.
rejectedExecution(Runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in class com.github.javinator9889.threading.pools.rejectedhandlers.RunWhenTasksFinishedOnRejectedHandler
Method that may be invoked by a ThreadPoolExecutor when execute cannot accept a task.
remove(String) - Method in class com.github.javinator9889.utils.ArgumentParser
Remove a single value.
removeAllListeners() - Method in class com.github.javinator9889.threading.threads.notifyingthread.NotifyingThread
Un-subscribes all classes listening to this thread completion.
removeOnThreadCompletedListener(OnThreadCompletedListener) - Method in class com.github.javinator9889.threading.threads.notifyingthread.NotifyingThread
Tries to remove the given listener from the list of subscribed classes, if present.
run() - Method in class com.github.javinator9889.threading.threads.notifyingthread.NotifyingThread
If this thread was constructed using a separate Runnable run object, then that Runnable object's run method is called; otherwise, this method does nothing and returns.
RunWhenTasksFinishedOnRejectedHandler - Class in com.github.javinator9889.threading.pools.rejectedhandlers
This handler waits until all running threads and pending ones are executed, then runs the rejected Runnable on the ThreadsPooling thread.
RunWhenTasksFinishedOnRejectedHandler() - Constructor for class com.github.javinator9889.threading.pools.rejectedhandlers.RunWhenTasksFinishedOnRejectedHandler
Private constructor for not allowing class instantiation with no args.
RunWhenTasksFinishedOnRejectedHandler(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class com.github.javinator9889.threading.pools.rejectedhandlers.RunWhenTasksFinishedOnRejectedHandler
Generates a new handler by using the custom timeout provided.
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