Source code for xmlc

#                             XMLCorpus
#                  Copyright (C) 2020 - Javinator9889
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#      the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#                   (at your option) any later version.
#       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#               GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program. If not, see <>.
from enum import Enum
from lxml import etree
from warnings import warn
from tabulate import tabulate
from collections import defaultdict
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pylatexenc.latexencode import UnicodeToLatexEncoder

# type hints
from typing import (

encoder: UnicodeToLatexEncoder = \

[docs]@dataclass class XMLItem(ABC): """ Base XML wrapper class. This item consists on a dataclass with basically two fields: + `tag`, containing the XML tag identifier. + `item_tag`, containing the XML tag itself. This abstract class defines two abstract methods that must be override: - :func:`parse` - :func:`to_table` Its main function is to simplify and contain basic XML data types. """ tag: Optional[str] """ The XML tag identifier, overriden by subclasses. """ item_tag: str """ The XML tag itself, overriden by subclasses. """
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def parse(element: etree._Element, tag: str, **kwargs) -> "Optional[XMLItem]": """ With the given :class:`lxml.etree.Element`, parses the :attr:`item_tag` and creates a new :class:`XMLItem` with its data. :param lxml.etree._Element element: the element to parse. :param str tag: the XML tag itself. :param kwargs: arbitrary arguments for custom parsing options. :return: the new tag. :rtype: XMLItem :raises ValueError: if the `element.tag` is different than `tag`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_table(self, tabletype="simple") -> str: """ Represents the :class:`XMLItem` by a table. :param str tabletype: the table format to use. The following formats are available: + "plain" + "simple" + "github" + "grid" + "fancy_grid" + "pipe" + "orgtbl" + "jira" + "presto" + "pretty" + "psql" + "rst" + "mediawiki" + "moinmoin" + "youtrack" + "html" + "latex" + "latex_raw" + "latex_booktabs" + "textile" .. seealso:: Table formats are defined by :mod:`tabulate` - more information about formatting at: :return: the table representation of the :class:`XMLItem`. :rtype: str """
@staticmethod def check_tag(element: etree._Element, tag: str): if element.tag != tag: raise ValueError(f"Element {element.tag}'s tag must be '{tag}'") def __eq__(self, other): """ Checks if another :class:`XMLItem` equals to us. :param XMLItem other: the other item to check. :return: `True` if items share :attr:`tag` and :attr:`item_tag`, `False` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.tag == other.tag and self.item_tag == other.item_tag) def __hash__(self): """ Generates a unique representation of this object. Uses both :attr:`tag` and :attr:`item_tag` for this purpose. :return: the class hash. :rtype: int """ return hash((self.tag, self.item_tag.hash))
T = TypeVar('T') """ Generic type for designating groups of XML tags. """
[docs]@dataclass class XMLGroup(XMLItem, Generic[T]): """ Specialization of :class:`XMLItem` for containing a variable set of fields of type :data:`T`. Those fields can be accessed in three ways: + By providing the index using :attr:`fields`. + By providing the field tag by using :attr:`dirs` and :attr:`fields`. + By direct access using both index or tag. """ cls: T """ The generic class used when parsing found subclasses. """ subitem_tag: str = field(default=None, init=False) """ The containing :data:`T` tag. """ fields: List[T] = field(default_factory=list) """ List of arbitrary length containing the :data:`T` objects. """ dirs: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict) """ Map containing the :data:`T` identifiers and its position in :attr:`fields`. """
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, element: etree._Element, subcls: T, tag: str = None, **kwargs) -> "Optional[XMLGroup]": """ With the given :class:`lxml.etree.Element`, parses the :attr:`item_tag` and creates a new :class:`XMLGroup` with its data. In addition to :class:`XMLItem`, finds and parses any subitem contained by the tag. :param lxml.etree._Element element: the element to parse. :param T subcls: the subclass type used when parsing found objects. :param str tag: the XML tag itself. :param kwargs: arbitrary arguments for custom parsing options. :return: the new group of tags. :rtype: XMLItem :raises ValueError: if the `element.tag` is different than `tag`. :raises AttributeError: if `subcls` is not a subclass of :class:`XMLItem` or :class:`XMLGroup`. """ if not issubclass(subcls, XMLItem) and not issubclass(subcls, XMLGroup): raise AttributeError(f"Class {subcls} must inherit from XMLItem or " f"XMLGroup") fields = list() dirs = dict() idx = 0 for field in element: if issubclass(subcls, XMLGroup): value = subcls.parse(element=field, subcls=subcls.cls, tag=tag or subcls.subitem_tag, **kwargs) else: value = subcls.parse(element=field, tag=tag or subcls.item_tag, **kwargs) if value is not None: fields.insert(idx, value) dirs[value.tag] = idx idx += 1 return cls(element.get('tag'), element.tag, fields, dirs)
def __eq__(self, other): return super(XMLGroup, self).__eq__(other) and \ self.subitem_tag == other.subitem_tag
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_table(self, tabletype="simple") -> str: pass
def __getitem__(self, item: Union[str, int]): return self.fields[self.dirs[item]] if isinstance(item, str) \ else self.fields[item] def __hash__(self): return hash((self.tag, self.item_tag, self.subitem_tag))
[docs]@dataclass class Value(XMLItem): """ The simplest XML item available, containing both a :attr:`tag` and a :attr:`summary`. """ tag: str """ :class:`Value` identifier tag. """ summary: str """ :class:`Value` summary. """ item_tag: str = field(default="value", init=False, hash=hash('value'))
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(element: etree._Element, tag: str = 'value', **kwargs) -> "Value": XMLItem.check_tag(element, tag) return Value(element.get('tag'), element.get('summary'))
[docs] def to_table(self, tabletype="simple") -> str: table = tabulate([(self.tag, self.summary)], headers=('Tag', 'Summary'), tablefmt=tabletype) return encoder.unicode_to_latex(table) \ if "latex" in tabletype \ else table
def __eq__(self, other): return super(Value, self).__eq__(other) and \ self.tag == other.tag and self.summary == other.summary
[docs]@dataclass class Field(XMLGroup[Value]): """ Class grouping a set of :class:`Value`s. """ cls: T = Value item_tag: str = field(default='field', init=False, hash=hash('field')) subitem_tag: str = field(default='value', init=False, hash=hash('value'))
[docs] def to_table(self, tabletype="simple") -> str: table_contents = [] for value in self.fields: table_contents.append((value.tag, value.summary)) tmp_table = tabulate(table_contents, headers=('Tag', 'Summary'), tablefmt="plain") table = [(self.tag, tmp_table)] tab = tabulate(table, headers=('Field tag', 'Values'), tablefmt=tabletype, colalign=("center",)) return encoder.unicode_to_latex(tab) \ if "latex" in tabletype \ else tab
def __getitem__(self, item: Union[str, int]): return self.fields[self.dirs[item]] if isinstance(item, str) \ else self.fields[item] def __str__(self): return self.to_table("fancy_grid")
[docs]@dataclass class Morphology(XMLGroup[Field]): """ The morphology contains a group of fields containing values. This describes how the text's tokens are. """ cls: T = Field item_tag: str = field(default='morphology', init=False, hash=hash('morph')) subitem_tag: str = field(default='field', init=False, hash=hash('field'))
[docs] def to_table(self, ignored="simple") -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def get(self, item: Union[str, int], default_value: Any = None) -> \ Union[Field, Any]: """ Searchs for an item, given its position or its tag. If not found, returns the default value. :param item: the item to look for. Can be the index or the identifier tag. :type item: str or int :param Any default_value: the value to return when not found. :return: the found :class:`Field` or the default value. :rtype: Field or Any """ try: return self.fields[item] if isinstance(item, int) \ else self.fields[self.dirs[item]] except KeyError: return default_value
def __getitem__(self, item: Union[str, int]): return self.get(item) def __str__(self): res = ['Morphology'] for value in self.fields: res.append(str(value)) return '\n'.join(res)
[docs]@dataclass class Annotation(XMLItem): """ Master class containing all possible annotations that can exist in a XML file. """ morphology: Morphology """ The annotation's morphology. """ parts_of_speech: Optional[Field] = field(default=None) """ The annotation's part of speech - can be `None`. :type: Field or None """ gloss: Optional[Field] = field(default=None) """ The annotation's glossary - can be `None`. :type: Field or None """ def __str__(self): return self.to_table(tabletype="fancy_grid")
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(annotation: etree._Element, tag: str = 'annotation', **kwargs) -> "Annotation": XMLItem.check_tag(annotation, tag) morphology = Morphology.parse(element=annotation.find('morphology'), subcls=Morphology.cls) pos = annotation.find('parts-of-speech') if pos is not None: parts_of_speech = Field.parse(pos, subcls=Value, **kwargs) gls = annotation.find('gloss') if gls is not None: gloss = Field.parse(gls, subcls=Value, **kwargs) return Annotation(annotation.get('tag'), annotation.tag, morphology, parts_of_speech, gloss)
[docs] def to_table(self, tabletype="simple") -> str: res = [str(self.morphology)] if self.parts_of_speech is not None: res.append('Parts of speech') pos = [] for value in self.parts_of_speech.fields: pos.append((value.tag, value.summary)) res.append(tabulate(pos, headers=('Tag', 'Summary'), tablefmt=tabletype, colalign=("center", "center"))) if self.gloss is not None: res.append('Gloss') gls = [] for value in self.gloss.fields: gls.append((value.tag, value.summary)) res.append(tabulate(gls, headers=('Tag', 'Summary'), tablefmt=tabletype, colalign=("center", "center"))) table = '\n'.join(res) return encoder.unicode_to_latex(table) \ if "latex" in tabletype \ else table
def __hash__(self): return hash((hash(self.morphology), self.parts_of_speech, self.gloss))
[docs]class AnnotationStatus(Enum): """ Enumeration containing the three possible statuses for a sentence: 1. Annotated 2. Unannotated 3. Reviewed """ ANNOTATED = "annotated" UNANNOTATED = "unannotated" REVIEWED = "reviewed"
[docs]class AnnotationElements(Enum): """ Enumeration containing the possible parts that conforms an annotation. Can be: 1. Morphology 2. Parts of speech 3. Gloss """ Morphology = "morphology" PartsOfSpeech = "part_of_speech" Gloss = "gloss"
[docs]def create_column_headers(first_header: str, tabletype: str) -> List[str]: """ With the given first header and the table type, creates a list of headers used when designing the table for showing :class:`XMLItem` or :class:`XMLGroup` values. The output list consists on: .. code-block:: python return [[first header], [Lemma], [Part of speech], [Morphology], [Gloss]] :param str first_header: the first header to put. :param str tabletype: the table format - used only if LaTeX. :return: a list containing the headers. :rtype: list[str] """ endcol = '|' if "plain" in tabletype else '' return [f"{first_header}\t\t{endcol}", f"Lemma\t\t{endcol}", f"Part of speech\t{endcol}", f"Morphology\t{endcol}", f"Gloss\t\t{endcol}"]
[docs]@dataclass class Token(XMLItem): """ The token represents a word. A word has only two mandatory attributes: + The `id`. + The `form`, it is, the word itself. All other values are optional and can be omitted. """ id: str """ The word unique ID. """ form: str """ The word itself. """ alignment_id: Optional[List[str]] = None """ Optional alignment ID, it is, the translated word(s) ID(s). """ lemma: Optional[str] = None """ Word's lemma. """ part_of_speech: Optional[Value] = None """ Optional part of speech corresponding that word. """ morphology: Optional[Morphology] = None """ Optional morphology items defining that word. """ gloss: Optional[Value] = None """ Optional glossary defined by that word. """ tag: str = field(default=None, init=False) item_tag: str = field(default='token', init=False, hash=hash('token'))
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(element: etree._Element, tag: str = 'token', **kwargs) -> "XMLItem": XMLItem.check_tag(element, tag) token = Token(id=element.get('id'), form=element.get('form')) annotation: Annotation = kwargs['annotation'] for attr, value in element.attrib.items(): attr_value = value if attr == 'morphology': fields = [] dirs = {} idx = 0 for i, field in zip(range(len(value)), value): if field != '-': try: fields.insert(idx, annotation.morphology[i][field]) dirs[annotation.morphology[i].tag] = idx idx += 1 except KeyError: if i > len(annotation.morphology.fields): warn(f"More morphologies {i} than previously" f"declared (were " f"{len(annotation.morphology.fields)})") else: warn(f"Morphology with tag '{field}' not " f"found in field " f"'{annotation.morphology[i].tag}' (" f"token with ID: '{}')") attr_value = Morphology(tag=None, fields=fields, dirs=dirs) elif attr == 'part-of-speech': attr_value = annotation.parts_of_speech[value] elif attr == 'gloss': attr_value = annotation.gloss[value] elif attr == 'alignment-id': attr_value = value.split(',') attr = attr.replace('-', '_') setattr(token, attr, attr_value) token.tag = return token
[docs] def describe(self, tabletype="simple") -> List[str]: """ Generates a list with the description of the word. It consists on: + Form. + Lemma. + Morphology fields. + Part of speech. + Glossary. :param str tabletype: the output format for the table - only used if LaTeX. :return: the token representation. :rtype: list[str] """ form = f"\\textbf{{{self.form}}}" if "latex" in tabletype else self.form lemma = f"\\textit{{{self.lemma}}}" \ if "latex" in tabletype else self.lemma or '' token_desc = [form, lemma] if self.part_of_speech is not None: token_desc.insert(2, self.part_of_speech.summary) else: token_desc.insert(2, '') if self.morphology is not None: desc_morph = [] for value in self.morphology.fields: desc_morph.append(value.summary) token_desc.insert(3, ' '.join(desc_morph)) else: token_desc.insert(3, '') if self.gloss is not None: token_desc.insert(4, self.gloss.summary) else: token_desc.insert(4, '') if "latex" in tabletype: for i in range(1, len(token_desc)): token_desc[i] = f"{{\\small {token_desc[i]}}}" return token_desc
[docs] def to_table(self, tabletype="simple", add_headers=True) -> str: headers = create_column_headers(f"Word ({})", tabletype) table_output = [[header] if add_headers else [] for header in headers] token_desc = self.describe(tabletype) for i, desc in zip(range(len(token_desc)), token_desc): table_output[i].append(desc) align = ("center",) * len(table_output[0]) table = tabulate(table_output, colalign=align, tablefmt=tabletype) return encoder.unicode_to_latex(table) \ if "latex" in tabletype \ else table
def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.tag == other.tag and self.item_tag == other.item_tag) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.tag, hash(self.item_tag)))
[docs]@dataclass class Sentence(XMLGroup[Token]): """ Structure containing a set of tokens, which conforms a sentence. """ id: str = "" """ Sentence unique ID. """ cls = Token item_tag: str = field(default='sentence', init=False, hash=hash('sentence')) subitem_tag: str = field(default='token', init=False, hash=hash('token')) status: AnnotationStatus = field(default=AnnotationStatus.UNANNOTATED) """ Sentence annotation status - possible values defined at :class:`AnnotationStatus`. """ alignment_id: Optional[str] = None """ Aligned sentence ID - represents a translation of this sentence. """
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, element: etree._Element, subcls: T, tag: str = None, **kwargs) -> "Optional[Sentence]": if element.tag in kwargs['ignored_tags']: return None sentence = super(Sentence, cls).parse(element, subcls, tag, **kwargs) = element.get('id') sentence.status = AnnotationStatus[element.get('status').upper()] sentence.alignment_id = element.get('alignment-id') sentence.tag = return sentence
[docs] def to_table(self, tabletype="plain") -> str: sentence_id_fmt = f"\\texttt{{{}}}" if "latex" in tabletype \ else table_output = [[header] for header in create_column_headers( f"{sentence_id_fmt} ({self.status.value})", tabletype )] for token in self.fields: if token is None: continue desc = token.describe() for i, data in zip(range(len(desc)), desc): table_output[i].append(data) align = ("center",) * len(table_output[0]) table = tabulate(table_output, colalign=align, tablefmt=tabletype) return encoder.unicode_to_latex(table) \ if "latex" in tabletype \ else table
[docs] def find_by(self, data: Dict[AnnotationElements, Union[Set[str], str]]) -> \ List[Token]: """ Recursively looks for tokens that fulfill with the data requirements specified. :param data: a dictionary containing the annotation elements to filter and the conditions of the filtering. :type data: dict[AnnotationElements, set[str] or str] :return: a list of tokens that fulfills the requirements. :rtype: list[Token] """ found_tokens = defaultdict(set) keys = set() for token in self.fields: for element, topology in data.items(): keys |= topology if isinstance(topology, set) else {topology} attr = getattr(token, element.value) if attr is not None: if isinstance(attr, Morphology): if isinstance(topology, str): field, tag = topology.split('.', maxsplit=2) if attr[field] and attr[field].tag == tag: found_tokens[topology] |= {token} else: for topo in topology: field, tag = topo.split('.', maxsplit=2) if attr[field] and attr[field].tag == tag: found_tokens[topo] |= {token} else: if isinstance(topology, set): raise ValueError( "Data can be a set only when matching" "morphology") if attr.tag == topology: found_tokens[topology] |= {token} tokens = set() for i, key in zip(range(len(keys)), keys): token = found_tokens[key] if len(tokens) == 0 and i == 0: tokens = token else: tokens &= token return list(tokens)
[docs] def side_by_side(self, another: "Sentence", tabletype="plain") -> str: """ With the given sentence, compares all tokens contained in both sentences (defined by their alignment ID) and generates a table with the comparison. :param Sentence another: the other sentence to compare. :param str tabletype: the output table format. :return: table representation of the comparison. :rtype: str """ if self.alignment_id != and another.alignment_id != raise ValueError("Sentences are not aligned!") if self.alignment_id == source = self other = another else: source = another other = self sentence1_id_fmt = f"\\texttt{{{}}}" if "latex" in tabletype \ else sentence2_id_fmt = f"\\texttt{{{}}}" if "latex" in tabletype \ else headers = create_column_headers( f"{sentence1_id_fmt} ({source.status.value})", tabletype ) headers.extend(create_column_headers(f"{sentence2_id_fmt} (" f"{other.status.value})", tabletype)) table_output = [[header] for header in headers] for token in source.fields: if token is None: continue desc1 = token.describe(tabletype) for i, data in zip(range(len(desc1)), desc1): table_output[i].append(data) aligned_tokens = None aligned_token_ids = token.alignment_id or [] for token_id in aligned_token_ids: other_token = other[token_id] desc2 = other_token.describe(tabletype) if aligned_tokens is None: aligned_tokens = desc2 else: for i, data in zip(range(len(desc2)), desc2): aligned_tokens[i] = f"{aligned_tokens[i]} - {data}" if aligned_tokens is None: aligned_tokens = [''] * len(desc1) start = len(desc1) stop = start + len(aligned_tokens) for i, data in zip(range(start, stop), aligned_tokens): table_output[i].append(data) align = ("center",) * len(table_output[0]) table = tabulate(table_output, colalign=align, tablefmt=tabletype) if "latex" in tabletype: table = table.replace("{tabular}{c", "{tabular}{c|", 1) \ .replace(f"\\\\\n \\texttt{{{}}}", f"\\\\[1ex]\n\\hline\n \\texttt{{{}}}") return encoder.unicode_to_latex(table) return table
def __eq__(self, other): return ==
[docs]@dataclass class Source(XMLGroup[Sentence]): """ The source conforms a set of sentences organized and translated into another source. """ id: str = '' """ Source unique ID. """ language: str = '' """ Source's language. """ title: str = '' """ Source's title. """ citation_part: str = '' """ Source's citation. """ item_tag: str = field(default='source', init=False, hash=hash('source')) cls: T = Sentence subitem_tag: str = field(default='sentence', init=False, hash=hash('sentence')) alignment_id: Optional[str] = None """ Source's translation's ID. """ editorial_note: Optional[str] = None """ Source's editorial note. """ annotator: Optional[str] = None """ Source's annotator. """ reviewer: Optional[str] = None """ Source's reviewer. """ original_url: Optional[str] = None """ Source's original URL. """
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, element: etree._Element, subcls: T, tag: str = None, **kwargs) -> "Optional[Source]": sid = element.get('id') language = element.get('language') alignment_id = element.get('alignment-id') title = element.find('title').text citation_part = element.find('citation-part').text editorial_note = element.find('editorial-note').text annotator = element.find('annotator').text reviewer = element.find('reviewer').text original_url = element.find('electronic-text-original-url').text source = super(Source, cls).parse(element.find('div'), subcls, tag, **kwargs) = sid source.language = language source.alignment_id = alignment_id source.title = title source.citation_part = citation_part source.editorial_note = editorial_note source.annotator = annotator source.reviewer = reviewer source.original_url = original_url source.tag = sid return source
[docs] def to_table(self, tabletype="simple") -> str: header = encoder.unicode_to_latex( f"Source ``{}''\n" f"\\begin{{itemize}}\n" f"\\item Language: {self.language}\n" f"\\item Aligned text ID: {self.alignment_id}\n" f"\\item Title: {self.title}\n" f"\\item Citation: {self.citation_part}\n" f"\\item Editorial note: {self.editorial_note}\n" f"\\item Annotator: {self.annotator}\n" f"\\item Reviewer: {self.reviewer}\n" f"\\item Original URL: \\url{{{self.original_url}}}\n" f"\\end{{itemize}}") \ if "latex" in tabletype else \ f"Source ``{}''\n" \ f"---------------------------------------\n" \ f"\t Language: {self.language}\n" \ f"\t Aligned text ID: {self.alignment_id}\n" \ f"\t Title: {self.title}\n" \ f"\t Citation: {self.citation_part}\n" \ f"\t Editorial note: {self.editorial_note}\n" \ f"\t Annotator: {self.annotator}\n" \ f"\t Reviewer: {self.reviewer}\n" \ f"\t Original URL: {self.original_url}\n" \ f"#######################################" sentences = [header] for sentence in self.fields: sentences.append(sentence.to_table(tabletype)) return '\n\n'.join(sentences)
[docs] def compare(self, another: "Source", sentences: Tuple[str, ...] = (), status: Optional[AnnotationStatus] = None, tabletype: str = "simple") -> str: """ With the given source, compares each sentence defined at `sentences` and generates a table with the sentences comparison. :param Source another: the other source to compare with. :param sentences: the sentences to compare. Empty means all. :type sentences: tuple[str, ...] :param AnnotationStatus status: the sentence status to use when comparing. None means unused. :param str tabletype: the output format for the table. :return: sources comparison as a table. :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if the sources are not aligned. """ if self.alignment_id != and another.alignment_id != raise ValueError("Sources are not aligned!") if self.alignment_id == source = self other = another else: source = another other = self tables = [] for sentence1 in source.fields: aligned_sentence_id = sentence1.alignment_id sentence2 = other.fields[other.dirs[aligned_sentence_id]] if len(sentences) > 0: if not in sentences: continue if status is not None: if sentence1.status != status or sentence2.status != status: continue tables.append(sentence1.side_by_side(sentence2, tabletype)) return '\n\n'.join(tables)
[docs] def find_words_by(self, data: Dict[AnnotationElements, Union[Set[str], str]]) -> \ List[Token]: """ With the given requirements, find all tokens that fulfills them. :param data: a dictionary containing the annotation elements to filter and the conditions of the filtering. :type data: dict[AnnotationElements, set[str] or str] :return: a list of tokens that fulfills the requirements. :rtype: list[Token] """ results = [] for field in self.fields: results.extend(field.find_by(data)) return results
[docs]def main(args): """ Main function that demonstrates how XMLCorpus works. Must receive a file containing two souces with IDs 'text1' and 'text2', respectively. :param args: command line arguments provided when this script is called. """ parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=True) tree = etree.parse(args.file, parser=parser) annotation_element = None if args.annotation_file is not None: annotation_tree = etree.parse(args.annotation_file) annotation_element = annotation_tree.find('annotation') if annotation_element is None: annotation_element = tree.find('annotation') annotation = Annotation.parse(annotation_element) print(annotation) sources: Dict[str, Source] = {} for source in tree.findall('source'): src = Source.parse(source, Sentence, annotation=annotation, ignored_tags={'title'}) sources[] = src text1 = sources['text1'] text2 = sources['text2'] print(, tabletype="grid")) for token in text1.find_words_by({ AnnotationElements.Morphology: {"number.s", "gender.m"}, AnnotationElements.PartsOfSpeech: 'Ne' }): print(token.to_table(tabletype="grid"))
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser(description="XMLCorpus file parser") parser.add_argument("file", metavar="FILENAME", help="XML file to analyze") parser.add_argument("-af", "--annotation-file", metavar="FILENAME", help="Optional XML file containing annotation data", default=None) main(parser.parse_args())